Image of a person answering an evaluation.

What is your Conflict-IQ®?

Discover your Conflict-IQ® , take this short assessment

Conflict-IQ® is the ability to deal intelligently with interpersonal conflict. When we are in a state of conflict with others, it often brings out the worst in us.



Addressing human conflict proactively and comprehensively, Unitive Consulting helps organizations foster healthier work environments, enhance productivity, and achieve sustainable success.

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Who are we?

Founded in 2011, Unitive Consulting distinctively specializes in the human-side (your human capital) of the organization to optimize relationships and performance.

A 2013 Stanford University study reveals that 43% of the CEOs interview rated “conflict management skills” as the highest areas of need in their own personal development. CEOs are also concerned about the lack of people’s skills when hiring new talent in their organization, as these skills are essential in any organization.

We bring our harmonious resolutions and restore productivity to the workplace, with a spirit of collaboration and inclusion.

We are invested to serve our clients with speed, professionalism, confidentiality, and finesse.

We empower our clients to upgrade their businesses with sustainable leadership and people’s skills to foster an inclusive dialogue in the workplace.

Image representing whoe we are.
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Our Clients

Conflict -IQ® Bites

Image of Book Conflict IQ.


"Yvette Durazo spoke at our annual DEI and Leadership HRACO conference in Columbus, Ohio, in February 2022. Her topic was on 'Mastering Difficult Conversations When Addressing DEI, Employee Performance & More'. The takeaways I got from her were to feel confident when addressing difficult conversations, to be able to have a more productive communication with our staff, and to learn to coach others into communicating their issues at work. Lastly, to augment my conflict intelligence with techniques that will work in any situation. I recommend having Yvette speak on Leadership or DEI topics. She brings the most relevant data to validate her content and keep the audience captivated."

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Babiya Polk


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