Image of a person answering an evaluation.

What is your Conflict-IQ®?

Discover your Conflict-IQ® , take this short assessment

Conflict-IQ® is the ability to deal intelligently with interpersonal conflict. When we are in a state of conflict with others, it often brings out the worst in us.




Image book Conflcit Intelligence Quotient - Conflict IQ.

This book is for professionals who deal with people every day. Conflict cannot be avoided, but we should not let it escalate either. Professionals will see that conflict is not all that bad: with the right mindset and techniques, it can even improve relationships and organizational culture. With excellent conflict resolution skills, people can truly enjoy the communities they work in.

The book uncovers various root causes of conflict and solutions for it. The core of conflict intelligence is awakening individuals’ senses of unity, maintaining a conducive environment where all members can thrive and work in harmony.

This book epitomizes and advocates innovative ways to solve conflict without hurting the existing relationships. It demonstrates that all conflicts are different because all people are different. Therefore, by learning about conflict intelligence, leaders and employees can creatively invent new ways of resolving issues.

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